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[The Sun] Malaysia’s largest 3D train mural unveiled in Johor

PETALING JAYA: A train mural on the wall of a premises along Jalan Abdullah, Segamat, Johor has been recognised as the largest 3D outdoor painting by the Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR).

According to Harian Metro, Segamat municipal council president (MPS), Mohd Helmi Datuk Sha’ri @ Shangari, stated that the mural, which is 43.8 meters long and 10.4 meters high, was created at a cost of hundreds of thousands of ringgit through sponsorship from companies including Ayam Segera GSM Sdn Bhd, Southern Advertising, KCC Mural Paint and several others.

He said the mural was designed by four artists over several months and was completed on July 16.

It was painted using weatherproof and waterproof paint in various colours including yellow, red, blue, grey and black.

The mural depicts the theme of the train station service as early as 1954, with the station here serving as a stop for picking up and dropping off passengers.

He stated that MPS welcomes sponsorship from any party wishing to beautify Segamat through murals, but it must be based on accurate historical facts and heritage since its inception.”

“MPS has never used taxpayer funds for beautification work through various murals on the walls of our premises.”

“Instead, all the murals were created through private sponsorship and collaboration with private parties, which include voluntary work,“ he told the Malay news outlet.

Also present was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ayam Segera GSM Sdn.Bhd, Ghai Swee Ling.

The recognition was presented by MBOR representative Lee Pooi Leng.

He mentioned that MPS is currently negotiating with several interested and talented parties for mural projects to decorate the exterior walls of several locations around Segamat, including icons of security forces and the faces of athletes from Segamat who have brought pride to Johor and the country.

“We want to immortalise the achievements of any party through murals, which are hoped to become historical displays to be remembered amidst the modernisation of Segamat, thereby bringing fame to Segamat and raising awareness that there are great individuals from this town.”

“This project is among several mural projects that we aim to complete in the coming months,“ he was quoted as saying.

Source: TheSun

The "Train Across Time" Mural

The Biggest Train Mural in Malaysia

Initiated by GSM Chicken Station and located on the shop’s exterior wall, the “Train Across Time” Mural is a unique artwork that vividly depicts the meeting of a 1954 steam train and a 2024 modern train, symbolizing the passage of time and the evolution of Segamat’s train stations.

This mural is more than just an artwork; its intricate details, including authentic wooden railroad ties and classic train station elements, serve as a catalyst to draw visitors and reconnect locals with Segamat’s rich cultural heritage, celebrating the past while looking forward to the future.

"Train Across Time" Mural by GSM Chicken Station